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Most companies are struggling to over achieve their predictions in the modern business world, with many challenges even the most popular and large companies are facing.

One key to a successful business in today’s world is ecommerce, and the key to being successful in ecommerce is increased productivity and continual process improvement. With slow productivity caused by excessive manual labor, companies are unable to meet peak season demands and are wasting money with costly overtime and restrained growth. For example, many companies are hiring extreme amounts of people to conduct the manual labor necessary to fulfill orders, when they could be using minimal manual labor with less people needed.

This is made possible with the FloWrap, a machine that fully automates the process of packaging soft goods, and therefore reduces labor cost and downtime.

FloWrap is an automated mailer system, with the key labor being placing the product along a conveyor belt.  The FloWrap system can process up to 30 packages every minute and automatically “right sizes” the package, meaning that it seals the package to where there is no excess void space.  The system’s smart-sensing technology scans an item’s dimensions and creates the bag length based on the size of the product.  The system can be integrated seamlessly into existing packaging lines, which may include other time-saving automated features that can weigh, manifest, validate and sort packages.

In comparison, the packaging time from traditional poly mailers relying on manual labor is significantly greater than that of the FloWrap.  Operations implementing the FloWrap system will easily ramp up production for peak season and be able to send out packages much more quickly to make their company more profitable.

In one Sealed Air’s customer facility production increased four times from 6 packs per minute to 24 packs per minute.  The result included increased customer satisfaction and faster delivery times.  The FloWrap system was a great competitive advantage and transformed a high labor process to a well-oiled automated solution.